IFTA Calculation  I  Dispatch  I  GPS Tracking

Trusted by 90,000+ Drivers

Bluetooth ELD
Bluetooth ELD

Plug-and-Play ELD Solution

Quick Install, easy-to-use driver app

ELD Dispatcher

FMCSA Certified ELD


No Cables


No Contracts

Safe Time and Money with Drivewyze PreClear Weigh Station Bypass

Access a 30-day free trial and Save $17 and 15 hours per truck monthly by seamlessly bypassing weigh stations
Alert Notification

In-cab Bypass Alerts 1-2 miles before Inspection Sites

Gas Station

Reduce fuel and maintenance costs while improving delivery time

Shield Tick

Real-time Safety Notifications at no additional cost

Mobile Programming

Integrated into your TruckX ELDs – no transponders required

Dispatcher and Map

Mobile app for Dispatchers

Dispatcher and Map

IFTA Calculation &
GPS Tracking

HOS Violation

Timely HOS Violation Alerts

HOS Violation

Flexible & Affordable

Starting at $27/Month

Flexible & Affordable Pricing

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100,000+ Drivers
that Trust TruckX

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