A coaching session is an established conversation that’s set up to lead to the pursuit of specific outcomes and self or professional development. Here are the 5 fundamental components of a great coaching call:

  • Constructive Feedback: Practical and concrete feedback can help the coachee realize where he or she needs to improve and where strengths lie. However, the feedback needs to be equal, growth-oriented, and not perfectionistic.
  • Preparation: The coach and coachee plan the session by collecting pertinent information, spotting obstacles, and outlining goals. This ensures the session gets off to a good start. 
  • Goal Setting: Setting realistic, quantifiable goals at the beginning of the session gives you purpose and focus. These should be specific to the coachee’s growth and have a number to keep track of progress. 
  • Open Discussion: This is the part of the session where the coachee opens up about their worries, successes, and issues. The coach listens, or she poses tough questions and shares knowledge that leads you to self-reflection and solution-finding.
  • Action Plan: The session ends with an action plan for how the coachee will deal with the challenges and meet goals. This plan guarantees accountability and work between sessions.

Coaches are an important part of Fleet management at TruckX. Good driving coaching sessions with drivers and team members can help drive communication, safety, and more efficient operation. Coaching can be customized for specific performance measures and continue to drive change by leveraging data-based insights from TruckX’s ELD and fleet management solutions.